Friday, December 3, 2010

To Start With...... A jump of Joy

Hii friends,
I have just created this blog to share my views and thoughts to my friends. I lost touch with most of the people since i have been put up in Bangalore for my career start.! I have not been much into blog writing and i want it to be in my own way! So any absurds, readers please adjust.

Start of my career!!

It was end of my college days, where few started worrying about getting a job, few enjoyed for bidding bye to books. With everyone having their own feelings, i was the one belonging to first category. I constantly worried about my job but least bothered about my future. All i need was a job to keep the prestige of I and family. As everyone, i got a sacrificing parents who sacrificed their home town life and came to the place of my graduation(4 years).!

And during the half way of my final year, came a big blow to my life. My dad got transfered to a different place and my family got shifted over there. I got to stay at my friend's place and complete the last 4 months. Somehow managed to complete my graduation successfully! But there started the worry of getting a job. Attended many interviews, job fairs.... After going to my family's place i have to travel around 12 hours to attend each interview. Got crushed up in many job fairs. Long waited interviews..!! Almost fed up in attending all those.

Finally heard from one of my friend that there is a newly started company at my family's place itself. But it had few constraints like paying a sum of 10,000 rupees for 3 months training. It didnt end even there. Have to pass the performance evaluation at the end of 3 months only after which my job will get confrmed. Inspite all these, i decided to join because i and my family lost the belief in me. It was the most testing times of my life..

When my life path was fully dry, there started little moisture. I got an oppurtunity to attend an interview of a MNC, which was my second attempt of an MNC. I have never touched the aptitude books upto date, since i am dead poor in mathematics..! I just heard about the oppurtunity just 2 days prior interview. On that particular week my PC troubled me. The SMPS denied power to my pc as well as my life. But some 'x' factor pushed me to borrow the CPU from my neighbour and i started preparing blindly. Took few FAQs and prepared rigurously. When my brother came to ask for pc for few hrs i shouted that i am preparing for my interview.. He mocked, "Why do you prepare when you know the results?"."As If you are gonna get through it", he said. I was greatly annoyed of hearing this and that was the highest amount of demotivation i receieved at that point of time. With few preparations i started to chennai (My graduation place) to attend the interview. Entered the spot with little hope as the first round was My Night mare (Aps). Which was combined with technical(written). I just got the Q-paper of aps and tried answering few. wherin i lost my hope almost. And then came my luck in the form of technical paper. To my surprise most of the questions were from my preparations. I tried hards to recollect all my knowledge of four years and finished the paper. My hope got raised to some extent. Was waiting for the results of 1st round. I was eagerly waiting for my name with lots of positive vibes spinning around me. And that was really my day atlast. I got selected. Then came the force within me saying," If i don't get this job, you are jobless for the rest". True. Because i felt i would never pass aps once again. That pushed me to prepare upto midnight. Next day was remaining rounds. Few friends helped me with materials to prepare. Somehow managed to prepare for technical round which will be the toughest, i heard. With lots of positive vibes and god's grace i completed all the rounds and was waiting for results.

It was around 10'o clock night. Everyone were eagerly waiting for the results. When started reading out the names i was almost freezed. The auspicious moment of my life came where i jumped when i heard my name. I was dumb for few mins. I re- confirmed with my friends whether it was my name been read. And that was my day.! I called up my dad and said, " Dad i got my job". You know what my dad didnt trust me. But i could feel and sense the over-joy in his voice. And i called my mom wherein she was already informed. She was sounding aloud in pride. That was the feeling which i could never express through any means. And that was the day which sealed the mouths of my relatives from saying,"Has shankar got a job?","Is he still jobless?", few beyond extent went on telling to my parents," Inspite your sacrifices he hasn't got a job.? Oh.. Poor boy." Thank god.. A stop to such dialouges.!!

And thats the fantastic moment and experience of my life where i explored, when you approach anything with full of  positive vibes,saying" Yes, Im gonna get it today" will definitely make your day successful.!!

My exploring will continue...................